
What is Xellar DevKit?

Welcome to the Xellar DevKit, a set of developer tools and API’s to help onboard users seamlessly into your application. It features self-custodial in-app wallets, onramps, offramps and more.

Welcome developers!

With Xellar DevKit, you can

  • Connect to all EVM networks
  • Log in and authenticate your users with customizable and secure email, phone, and social login flows.
  • Perform wallet actions like connecting and disconnecting wallets, viewing balance, and much more
  • Easily integrate Xellar’s Embedded Wallet APIs to enable users to interact with your applications.
  • Onramp user funds with local payment rails
  • Offramp user funds to local bank accounts.

Our DevKit provides a simple and secure way for you to integrate our APIs into your application.

At Xellar we are focused on the frontier of technology which can simplify user Web3 experience into a Web2 manner. For further support


Telegram: @xellarsupport

Welcome to Xellar’s World. Let's get started

What is Embedded Wallet?

Embedded Wallets

Embedded wallets are self-custodial wallets provisioned by Xellar itself for a wallet experience that is directly embedded in your application. Embedded wallets do not require a separate wallet client, like a browser extension or a mobile app, and can be accessed directly from your product. These are primarily designed for users of your app who may not already have an external wallet, or don't want to connect their external wallet.

What is Xellar Convert?

Xellar Convert

Xellar convert is an on/off ramp API provisioned by Xellar for a direct buy and sell experience directly embedded in your application.

What is the Most Common Use Case?

Xellar Embedded Wallets can be used in a number of different Use Cases. At Xellar we provide you the freedom and flexibility to implement the way you would like to implement this through low level APIs. Some examples of what has been implemented

  1. In-game wallets on mobile and web
  2. Community based apps
  3. Exchange Wallets
  4. Remittance based wallets
  5. Custodial based wallet systems