Check Account

Check Account

API Documentation: Check Account


This API endpoint allows you track your account addresses based on subId.

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /api/v1/wallet/account/{subId}

Request Path Parameters

  • subId (required): mandatory.

Request Query Parameters

  • network (optional): Supported values are ethereum, solana, tron, bitcoin. When network not defined, it will return all the wallets.


Request Headers

  • X-CLIENT-ID: (required): Client ID which was generated when register in Xellar TSS API Service Dashboard.
  • X-SIGNATURE: (required): Calculated signature, please refer to Authorization section.
  • X-TIMESTAMP: (required): Request timestamp in RFC3339 format.

Example Request Syntax

curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "x-client-id: $YOUR_CLIENT_ID" -H "x-client-secret: $YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET" <BASE_URL>/api/v1/wallet/account/{subId}


The response will include a JSON object with the following properties:

  • status (number): The HTTP status code of the response (e.g., 200 for success).
  • message (string): A message providing additional information about the operation.
  • data (object): An object containing the account information.

Example Response

    "status": 200,
    "message": "Get account successfully",
    "data": [        
            "walletId": "36d784a2-ffc8-484f-a1c6-ed3ec0f36a37",
            "network": "bitcoin",
            "address": "1P7KNbgLUsF9QA6TmCFLN5GAt6sPCphoSv",
            "addressType": "legacy",
            "createdAt": "2024-11-30T12:59:43.598Z"
            "walletId": "a713ce38-698e-46f3-8556-baacdec9748c",
            "network": "bitcoin",
            "address": "bc1q72zfj78me502arrl59rqd6y3k2mfgwy3vq8zc9",
            "addressType": "native-segwit",
            "createdAt": "2024-11-30T12:59:43.598Z"
            "walletId": "3a892992-394f-4593-999b-aee035f30c5d",
            "network": "ethereum",
            "address": "0x034d42353210bc7091bdac2257d16799ef21a8cc",
            "addressType": "",
            "createdAt": "2024-11-30T13:04:10.573Z"
            "walletId": "7bc55ff1-fac8-4be2-b6ec-65c97018bc0e",
            "network": "solana",
            "address": "HWtjwL1SAS8rCZJ8UvTnp2kQfArEGJTfJuTB8tnRjGbV",
            "addressType": "",
            "createdAt": "2024-11-30T13:05:17.752Z"
            "walletId": "56b8b23d-b61c-4e5d-9307-d882cc7ddef3",
            "network": "tron",
            "address": "TAGfaf77s4aBMXvRu67db1QJkqbJqkjqhu",
            "addressType": "",
            "createdAt": "2024-11-30T13:05:46.008Z"