Check Request

Check Request

API Documentation: Check Request


This API endpoint allows you track your transaction/request based on requestId. The requestId coming from HTTP Response on Account Creation, Signing or Sending request.

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /api/v1/wallet/check/{requestId}

Request Path Parameters

  • requestId (required): requestId coming from response of Account Creation, Signing or Sending request.


Request Headers

  • X-CLIENT-ID: (required): Client ID which was generated when register in Xellar TSS API Service Dashboard.
  • X-SIGNATURE: (required): Calculated signature, please refer to Authorization section.
  • X-TIMESTAMP: (required): Request timestamp in RFC3339 format.

Example Request Syntax

curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "x-client-id: $YOUR_CLIENT_ID" -H "x-client-secret: $YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET" <BASE_URL>/api/v1/wallet/check/{requestId}


The response will include a JSON object with the following properties:

  • status (number): The HTTP status code of the response (e.g., 200 for success).

  • message (string): A message providing additional information about the operation.

  • data (object): An object containing the request information.

  • data.requestId (string): The unique identifier for the request.

  • data.subId (string): The sub id of user that used to sign transaction.

  • data.status (string): The status of current request. You can see TSS Request status to get detail information.

  • data.walletId (string): The wallet of specific subId that used to sign transaction.

  • (string): The network type.

  • data.chainId (string): The network's chainId.

  • data.message (string): The message that signed. Only appear on signing message, off-chain message or sign-typed-data request.

  • data.signature (string): The signature of signed message. Only appear on signing message, off-chain message or sign-typed-data request.

  • data.transaction (object): The transaction detail that signed. Only appear on signing or sending transaction request.

  • data.signedTransaction (string): The transaction that already signed. Only appear on signing or sending transaction request. The Signed Transaction can be broadcasted to blockchain.

  • data.transactionHash (string): The transaction's hash or transaction's id. Only appear on signing/sending transaction request.

Example Response

// For Sign message
    "status": 200,
    "message": "Successfully check request",
    "data": {
        "requestId": "9c276eb2-e0e1-4789-bd54-42d5e920379f",
        "subId": "...", 
        "status" : "inprogress", // inprogress, signed, completed, failed_broadcast
        "walletId": "a83fa382-fa01-4447-95ea-7deb061bead6",
        "network" : "EVM", // EVM, SOLANA, TRON, BITCOIN
        "chainId" : 1,
        "message": "This is the message that need to be sign",
        "signature" : "...",                 
// For Sign Transaction
    "status": 200,
    "message": "Successfully check request",
    "data": {
        "requestId": "9c276eb2-e0e1-4789-bd54-42d5e920379f",
        "subId": "...", 
        "status" : "inprogress", // inprogress, signed, completed, failed_broadcast
        "walletId": "a83fa382-fa01-4447-95ea-7deb061bead6",
        "network" : "EVM", // EVM, SOLANA, TRON, BITCOIN
        "chainId" : 1,
        "transaction": {
            "to": "...", 
            "amount": "...", 
            "tokenAddress": "...", 
            "tokenId": "...", 
        "signedTransaction" : "...",     
        "transactionHash": "..."                      
// For Send Transaction
    "status": 200,
    "message": "Successfully check request",
    "data": {
        "requestId": "9c276eb2-e0e1-4789-bd54-42d5e920379f",
        "subId": "...", 
        "status" : "inprogress", // inprogress, signed, completed, failed_broadcast
        "walletId": "a83fa382-fa01-4447-95ea-7deb061bead6",
        "network" : "EVM", // EVM, SOLANA, TRON, BITCOIN
        "chainId" : 1,
        "transaction": {
            "to": "...", 
            "amount": "...", 
            "tokenAddress": "...", 
            "tokenId": "...", 
        "signedTransaction" : "...",       
        "transactionHash": "..."          