Estimate Transaction
API Documentation: Estimate Transaction
This API endpoint allows you to retrieve estimate gas used, suggest gas price and suggest gas fee for an Ethereum transaction.
- HTTP Method: POST
- Endpoint:
Request Body Parameters
(required): this will be used to determine which key used to sign. The type is
(required): The recipient’s Ethereum address, specified in standard Ethereum address
(required): The data associated with the transaction. If no specific data is provided, use 0x to indicate an empty transaction.nonce
(required): The sender’s nonce, which is a number representing the number of transactions sent from the sender’s address. This should be an integer.gasFeeCap
(required): The maximum gas fee (in gwei) the sender is willing to pay for the transaction, represented as a number (maxFeePerGas).gasTipCap
(required): The maximum tip fee (in gwei) the sender is willing to provide as a priority fee to miners, represented as a number (maxPriorityFeePerGas).gas
(required): The amount of gas (in units) required for the transaction to be processed. This should be specified as a number.value
(required): The amount of Ether (in wei) to be transferred in the transaction. The value should be represented as an integer in wei (the smallest unit of Ether).
Example Request Body
"walletId" : "...",
"to": "0x69DDcdE165b784c059cC3E9DFA1cdc374cd6F3C3",
"data": "0x",
"nonce": 1,
"gasFeeCap": 20000000000, // 20 gwei
"gasTipCap": 10000000000, // 10 gwei
"gas": 21000,
"value": 1000000000000000000, // 1 Ether (in wei)
Request Headers
: (required): Client ID which was generated when register in Xellar TSS API Service Dashboard.X-SIGNATURE
: (required): Calculated signature, please refer to Authorization section.X-TIMESTAMP
: (required): Request timestamp in RFC3339 format.X-APP-ID
: (required): APP ID which was generated when register in Xellar TSS API Service Dashboard.
Example Request Syntax
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "x-client-id: $YOUR_CLIENT_ID" -H "x-app-id: $YOUR_APP_ID" -H "x-timestamp: $YOUR_TIMESTAMP" -H "x-signature: $YOUR_SIGNATURE" -d '{
"walletId" : "...",
"to": "0x69DDcdE165b784c059cC3E9DFA1cdc374cd6F3C3",
"data": "0x",
"nonce": 1,
"gasFeeCap": 20000000000,
"gasTipCap": 10000000000,
"gas": 21000,
"value": 1000000000000000000
}' <BASE_URL>/api/v1/wallet/eth/send/transaction/estimate
The response will include a JSON object with the following properties:
(number): The HTTP status code of the response (e.g., 200 for success).message
(string): A message providing additional information about the
(object): An object containing the request
(number): The gas estimation needed to execute a specific transaction based on the current pending state of the backend
(number): The the currently suggested gas price to allow a timely execution of a
(number): The multiplication of gasFeeEstimation and suggestGasPrice.
Example Response
"status": 200,
"message": "Transfer Transaction Estimation Successfully",
"data": {
"gasEstimation": 21000,
"suggestGasPrice": 3564020892,
"gasFeeEstimation": 74844438732000