Transfer ERC1155

Sign Transfer NFT/ERC721

API Documentation: Sign Transfer ERC1155


This API endpoint allows you to Sign and Broadcast an Ethereum transaction to transfer ERC1155 token.

  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /api/v1/wallet/eth/send/erc1155

Request Body Parameters

  • walletId (required): this will be used to determine which key used to sign. The type is string.
  • to (required): the destination EVM address that will receive the NFT.
  • amount (required): the Amount in wei unit format.
  • tokenId (required): the Token ID.
  • tokenAddress (required): the Token contract address.
  • pin : The PIN is necessary if the wallet has a PIN enabled. The PIN need to be in hashed format (SHA-256).

Example Request Body

    "walletId" : "...",        
    "to" : "0xeF236f1b35B2105836540c23d055d1BFb6c5db52",
    "amount": "1",
    "tokenId": "1",
    "tokenAddress": "0x280c2D3182574d65139EE65383BD6285380d393d",
    "pin": "64f46a7526a186d2346552453ae478ca51244674f5b21ba150bd483b39f7c812"


Request Headers

  • X-CLIENT-ID: (required): Client ID which was generated when register in Xellar TSS API Service Dashboard.
  • X-SIGNATURE: (required): Calculated signature, please refer to Authorization section.
  • X-TIMESTAMP: (required): Request timestamp in RFC3339 format.
  • X-APP-ID : (required): APP ID which was generated when register in Xellar TSS API Service Dashboard.

Example Request Syntax

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "x-client-id: $YOUR_CLIENT_ID" -H "x-app-id: $YOUR_APP_ID" -H "x-timestamp: $YOUR_TIMESTAMP" -H "x-signature: $YOUR_SIGNATURE" -d '{
    "walletId" : "...",        
    "to" : "0xeF236f1b35B2105836540c23d055d1BFb6c5db52",
    "amount": "1",
    "tokenId": "1",
    "tokenAddress": "0x280c2D3182574d65139EE65383BD6285380d393d"
}' <BASE_URL>/api/v1/wallet/eth/send/erc721


The response will include a JSON object with the following properties:

  • status (number): The HTTP status code of the response (e.g., 200 for success).
  • message (string): A message providing additional information about the operation.
  • data (object): An object containing the request information.
  • data.requestId (string): The unique identifier for the request.

Example Response

    "status": 200,
    "message": "Sign transfer erc1155 is in progress",
    "data": {
        "requestId": "9c276eb2-e0e1-4789-bd54-42d5e920379f"        