Add Custom Asset to Portfolio

API Documentation: Add Custom Asset (Coin/Token) to Portfolio


This endpoint allow user to add custom asset to particular wallet. User need to provide detail information for custom token.

  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /api/v1/portfolios/custom

Request Body Parameters

  • walletId (required): this will be used to determine where the asset will be added to.
  • network (required): The network of asset. Type : string.
  • tokenSymbol (required): The symbol of asset. Type : string.
  • tokenName (required): The name of asset. Type : string.
  • tokenAddress (required): The contract address of asset. Type : string.
  • decimals (required): The decimal of asset. Type : number.

Example Request Body

    "walletId": "6105a1f8-abd2-4003-aaa7-e6cae3875acc",
    "network": "ethereum",
    "tokenSymbol": "myt",
    "tokenName": "My Token",
    "tokenAddress": "0xfd957f21bd95e723645c07c48a2d8acb8ffb3794",
    "decimals": 18


Request Headers

  • X-CLIENT-ID: (required): Client ID which was generated when register in Xellar TSS API Service Dashboard.
  • X-SIGNATURE: (required): Calculated signature, please refer to Authorization section.
  • X-TIMESTAMP: (required): Request timestamp in RFC3339 format.

Example Request Syntax

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "x-client-id: $YOUR_CLIENT_ID" -H "x-client-secret: $YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET" -d '{
    "walletId": "6105a1f8-abd2-4003-aaa7-e6cae3875acc",
    "network": "ethereum",
    "tokenSymbol": "myt",
    "tokenName": "My Token",
    "tokenAddress": "0xfd957f21bd95e723645c07c48a2d8acb8ffb3794",
    "decimals": 18
}' <BASE_URL>/api/v1/portfolios/custom


The response will include a JSON object with the following properties:

  • status (number): The HTTP status code of the response (e.g., 200 for success).
  • message (string): A message providing additional information about the operation.
  • data (object): An object containing asset information.
  • data.key (string): Unique identifier for asset on portfolio.
  • (string): Coin/token id.
  • data.symbol (string): Coin/token symbol.
  • (string): Coin/token name.
  • (string): Coin/token network.
  • data.wrapped (boolean): Coin/token wrapped status.
  • data.isNative (boolean): Coin/token native status on particular network.
  • data.logo (boolean): Coin/token logo.
  • data.contractAddress (boolean): Coin/token contract address, only have value on non-native asset.
  • data.deicmalPlace (boolean): Coin/token decimal.
  • data.isCustom (boolean): Coin/token custom status.

Example Response

// Success : HTTP OK 200
    "status": 200,
    "message": "Add custom asset to portfolio successfully",
    "data": {
        "key": "fe5a5bd5-492b-462a-afd5-4f9f2688be7d",
        "id": "2d914e88-7488-410c-a6b7-cec6fc914423",
        "symbol": "myt",
        "name": "My Token",
        "network": "ethereum",
        "wrapped": false,
        "isNative": false,
        "logo": "",
        "contractAddress": "0xfd957f21bd95e723645c07c48a2d8acb8ffb3795",
        "decimalPlace": 18,
        "isCustom": true
// Asset exist on wallet : HTTP BAD REQUEST 400
    "error": "asset already exists on portfolio"